Educational Project

October 2015

Early stimulation - We always have into account the child’s development and growth so we can schedule activities according to his level. Motivating and offering him a great variety of experiences and opportunities we achieve their maximum potential stimulating the different areas of intelligence.

Socializing - The school is a place where the child starts to establish his first social relationships with his peers. We strive so that children learn the basic rules of conduct, that they solve problems peacefully, that they express their feelings and ideas, and that they empathize with their peers. In Kinder we care that our students learn core values to live in society such as solidarity, effort, comprehension, cooperation, tolerance and respect towards others.

Integral development - Our students work in a global way their attitudes, concepts and general procedures to achieve their full motor skills, affective, social, linguistic and intellectual development.

Habits and routines- We encourage the acquisition of autonomy habits from the very start, so that the child will become an autonomous individual in the future, who shows initiative and confidence in oneself, with high self-esteem, responsibility and above all to be happy.

Multilingualism- We are conscious of the enormous importance and benefits that learning new languages implies, especially at young ages, being that their physiological and psychological structures are at a full process of growth. In Kinder we build a multilingual environment with a great variety of materials, resources and activities so that our students learn these languages in a natural, easy and fun way.


C/Salamanca, 30


Phone/Fax (+34) 96 334 70 74


Kinder School

Kinder is a preschool center dedicated almost 40 years to the care, attention, education and integral development of children up to 3 years.

Center subsidized by the Conselleria de Educación


 C/ Salamanca, 30 - 46005 Valencia

+34 96 334 70 74

Kinder collaborates with:

creative handicrafts mas que fisio

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